Monday, July 28, 2008

Complex Simplicity

A few weeks ago I had an early morning meeting, it so happened that someone else I knew was going to the same shindig, so we decided to go together. While I waited for my friend in an empty parking lot, I did what every human being does at 7:25 am in the morning, I started staring at trees. I know, I know you’re probably thinking “Who is this weirdo?” but the truth is that as I stared at these trees swaying in the wind all I could think was: “My God, how Beautiful!” The simple beauty of a tree swaying in the wind seemed amazing to me, how is it that something so simple had the ability to take my breath away.

The truth is however that the more I thought about it, the more I realized that behind the simplistic beauty that I was watching was a very complex occurrence. I am no meteorologist, but I do know that it isn’t a group of mystical pixies making the trees move, it’s way more complicated. You have to factor in atmospheric temperatures, pressure systems, humidity… you get the drift? It’s really complicated. However the end result is watching the trees in an empty parking lot at 7:25 am do a very simple yet beautiful dance.
As I continued to watch, I began to think about this thing we call Christianity. The truth is, our faith isn’t so different than a tree swaying in the wind. There is a complex simplicity about our faith. The things Christ asks us to do in the red letters of scripture seem so simple: “Love God,” “love your enemy,” “be my witnesses,” “Take care of the Poor and Oppressed,” these are things that we all read and think “Yeah, that’s what it’s all about.” But behind each one of His statements are complex issues, circumstances and situations that prevent us from seeing the simplistic beauty of these and many other commandments become reality in our lives and in our churches.

How does a wife who has just lost her husband to another woman “love her enemy?” How does a church that doesn’t seem to have any resources “take care of the poor and oppressed,” when they are having a hard time caring for themselves? These are the complexities behind the simple commandments of Christ. The things our Savior tells us to do, the attitudes, the practices, the beliefs that He asks us to imitate all make sense, they are all good, and they’re even inspirational. The one thing they are not however is convenient.

Our faith is simple “believe, go, tell,” but the truth is that we as humans have a tendency of complicating our lives so much that the simplicity of our faith is difficult to live out…or is it? The truth is that Jesus did not speak His “Good News” into a perfect world; he spoke His message into a broken, complex mess of a world, and yet he still tells him followers to do, think, believe and practice His simple message in the middle of the complexities of our societies, institutions and lives. He does not impose parameters or confusing conditions upon His message with its simple commandments, he just tells us to live it regardless of the complexities that may be attached to His simplicity.

When Jesus tells the rich young ruler to sell all of his possessions and follow him, the young man walks away from the Master with his dreams dashed. Behind the simple commandment “sell all your possessions and Follow me,” there were so many complexities attached to it. May we have the courage to do, believe and practice the simple commandments of Jesus even when behind them is found a complex mess.